kind bites

intuitive eating app

Taking the design process from start to finish to design a wellness app related to healthy and intuitive eating

May 2023

10 days


User Research * Secondary research * Usability testing * UI Design


Figma * FigJam * Notion







The problem of dieting and healthy eating is a pervasive issue in today's society. Many people resort to restrictive diets and quick-fix solutions in their pursuit of weight loss and improved health.

However, these approaches often lead to a cycle of deprivation, guilt, and ultimately, failure. The focus on external rules and rigid food guidelines disregards the individual's unique needs and preferences, fostering a negative relationship with food.

On the other hand, adopting a holistic approach to healthy eating can be a transformative solution. Embracing intuitive eating, where individuals listen to their body's signals of hunger and fullness, allows for a more balanced and sustainable approach to nourishment.

By honouring their body's needs and cultivating a positive mindset towards food, individuals can establish a healthier and more fulfilling relationship with eating, promoting long-term well-being and overall satisfaction.


Develop a digital product to help people change health-related behaviour.

It needed to address any aspect of personal well-being — I choose healthy and intuitive eating, monitor the users’ progress, and encourage them to adopt a healthier lifestyle and the user interface should reflect a new, fresh, updated look and feel.


user insights

5 interviews

  • All had an adequate idea of what healthy eating meant.

  • No one was familiar with Intuitive Eating but everyone was able to guess correctly what it entailed.

  • The interviewees were in different stages and contexts in life but interestingly enough were able to relay to me the same issues:

It’s hard to stay healthy when “life” happens”
— User A
I struggle with a lack of imagination about what to cook
— User B

36 survey answers

  • 100% wanted to change their eating habits

    • 64% didnt know or were unsure what Intuitive Eating is, but mentioned being

    • eating what they feel like eating”,

    • Knowing what’s healthy” or

    • “Listening to the body” aspects that overall align with its principles.

  • Most people mentioned having knowledge of what to eat and also increasing the variety of foods eaten as supporting factors to change eating habits.

subject matter expert insights

2 registered dietitians and nutritionists

  • Both mentioned organisation and planning as supporting factors for the adoption of new eating habits.

  • Referred to the importance of having inspiration for meal ideas to include in their day to day.

market research & competitor analysis

This process allowed me to gather information on common features and colours used in the market. I drew inspiration from apps like Peace with Food, Yummly and Lifesum, among others.

From the main features found across apps, some were excluded - like calorie and nutrient tracking and diet plans, considering the brand values established.

the user

💁🏻‍♀️ Filipa

♊️ 32 years old

💍 Married

🏦 Works at a bank

🧳 Enjoys spending the weekend travelling through Portugal with her husband and friend group.

wants & needs

  • To improve some aspects of her eating habits like knowing about what foods she can eat as well as increasing the variety of foods eaten;

  • To have a better relationship with food - she sometimes finds herself restricting the foods she eats or feeling shame or guilt for eating something she thinks is unhealthy.


  • Arrives home very tired from work and having to cook a homecooked meal is time-consuming;

  • Her husband doesn't share the same experience and is satisfied with his eating habits so she feels a bit alone on her health goals.

How might we help Filipa know what fast, easy and healthy recipes to cook after work?

Design solutions


Concept testing and wireframing

After knowing which features I wanted to include in the app I did a user flow, to allow me to visualise better the touchpoints between the user and the app while also allowing me to know which screens needed to be designed in the lo-fi wireframes.

I started by sketching out ideas that were concept tested with the bootcamp’s teacher assistant and from there I moved into lo, mid and hi-fi iterations, with usability testing in between.

You can see on above changes in the information displayed:

  • The “get inspired” section ended up being removed because users weren’t interacting with it

  • The layout of the cards was also changed in order to make the user experience less confusing.

Design solutions

visual design


I wanted to escape the trap of designing a green app focused on “clean” foods, because again that didnt align at all with the brand values so I began by defining the brand personality with the adjectives subtle, youthful, feminine, playful, casual, approachable, and contemporary.

I got inspired by citrus fruits and ended up with a pastel colour palette, with soft and feminine but cheerful colours. I also drew inspiration from certain emoji colour combinations, with the intention of making the app feel friendly and familiar.

kind bites

next steps

  • Usability tests as there were issues that stuck with me until the hi-fi iterations and should have been solved prior

  • Test and iterate hi-fi in order to improve it further, because I got very attached to my first design choices and it was hard for me to leave that box.


